Saturday, October 8, 2011

How it feels to give birth

Every labor is unique. No two exactly the same delivery process. It may be more daunting for those who are first-time mother (normally). But no matter how many times your experience, giving birth still feels thrilling. In essence, the delivery process is divided into three stages and each stage has its own thrill and challenge. We will guide you peek at each stage of labor. To be sure, it's all worth what you get: A baby! 

Stage 1: Contractions  

What is it like? A contraction feels roughly like someone pulled our belts very tight for 20 seconds. Throughout the process of birth, the contractions will become more toned and more pain. There is always a pause between each contraction, even in the most painful. What happens to your body? At the time of your baby's organs mature, it will produce hormones that will stimulate the uterine muscles to tighten resulting in contraction. This movement will attract your cervix and
will give the opening the way for the fetus. Unfortunately, this opening process can last two to 20 hours! What happens to your baby? At each contraction, the head of fetal distress and pushed into the cervix. Fetal position and rolled down ready for birth. At the same time, the crush of contraction would trigger the hormones in the body. This hormone will prepare him to be born, his heartbeat down so he could go through lack of oxygen during the birth process. Besides his lungs will also be prepared to breathe when she was born later.  

How through it?
Divert your attention with watching television or snacking. You can also do light activities such as bathing or making tea. Breathe deeply throughout the contraction. Just relax. The more tense you are, the more it hurt. Ask a pain reducer. If you can not stand it anymore, do not be shy to ask.
Transition At the end of this stage, when the opening is enough, you are going through a transition period. Your contractions will get into the top stage and you may have almost given up. The good news, this period will only last a few minutes. 

Stage 2: Encouraging  

What is it like? 
You will feel great encouragement from your buttocks, as if you want to defecate. A few moments later, you will feel anxious to push. You will feel very happy or very afraid or feel them! In line with the baby's head out of the vagina, you will feel the pull and heat sensation in the vagina. Then, once your baby is born, you will feel a wave of relief that fearfully and wonderfully made!

What happens to your body?
Your contractions are now easier for the baby's head out through the cervix that has been opened. This second stage can take several minutes or it could be up to two hours duration. What happens to your baby? As soon as his body pushed down, her neck stretched to fit the space will your vagina. When the head and shoulders out, he'll feel the air into his lungs. 
How through it? Do not push up on your doctor beckoned. Even if the opening is complete, the fetal head is not necessarily in the right position to get out. Wait and rest until the doctor gestured to you. Flex your pelvic muscles. Only natural to feel fear tear, but if you tense pelvis, the fetal head will be hard out. If possible, remain in an upright position so that the birth of your baby helps the force of gravity. Listen to the guidance of a doctor / midwife. When the baby's head was visible, he would tell when to push, when to stop, so that the shoulders and the baby could come out slowly.

Phase 3: Post-Childbirth  
What is it like?
You may not think that there is a stage. Once tired and relieved because your baby is born, you will experience a contraction. However, this contraction will not be felt when compared to the contraction of the previous stage.  

What happens to your body?
Your uterus continues to contract to remove loose tissue from the placenta and the uterine wall. The next contraction plus the help of midwives, will remove the placenta from your body. Most women get the injection to speed up this process. This stage occurs five to 30 minutes of birth. Once your baby checked by a midwife, she can hug you and look at. He will respond to your voice and feel comfortable with your touch.  

How through it? Ignore These moments should you use to be alone with your new baby. Let the midwives who take care of the placenta. Handed her breast to your baby He may not be directly inhaled, but when he began to suckle, the process will be faster removal of placenta.

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